Suggestion To Parents
How you can help
Parents are adviced to go through following points to understand their role in development of childeren.
Parents of younger children have a great opportunity to help their kids develop good habits. Learning not to procrastinate, for example, is much easier when the homework Load is light. Make sure the work is done as soon as it's assigned and before the TV-watching and computer games begin.
Establish a regular work space for your child that is free of distractions and interruptions. Set up a simple filing system for papers, and help your child learn to use it.
Always Attend
Parents - Teacher Meeting
A child's behaviour can be understand when both parents and teachers talk face to face and discuss pros and cons about a child. Both parents and teachers together can decide a stretagy for child's further development.
It'll also help school to get a report about activities done by children while they are not in school and we can than think of other methodologies to help children achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
Regularly Check
Parents' are advised that please check your ward's homework diary carefully on regular basis. Teacher's might have mentioned a note or a remark about your ward. Also check whether he/she completed homework given by teachers according to that date.
It is a very good practise to do homework regulary as it doesn't pile up for future and while a child does homework he/she remembers the concept taught by respective subject teachers, this help them to get a hold of those topics. So it is important that you go through homework diary once on regular basis.
Improve Their
Reading Habits
Reading habits plays very important role in a child's development. While a child gain reading habits he impoves his concentration, sitting capacity, memorizing power and many more. Good reading habits are very important in achieving goals in future.
These reading habits help them in life and always prove useful to them. If your teen is not a strong reader, or learns best by doing rather than reading, you may be able to serve as the reader of this book for him or her. You will also be able to help by setting up systems, calendars, reminders, etc. You can help your teen most when he or she is able to succeed without you. Encourages your son or daughter to work on good habits together with a friend or classmate—a bit of competition and support can do wonders
Encourage Them For
Sports Activities
Sports activities plays very important role in child development. Playing sports improves health, fitness and also improves decision making in children. While playing sports child grows habits of teamwork, cooperation & descipline.
Playing sports also improves concentration in children. After playing child feel refrished and also develops good food habits. Now a days sports are also famous in children who wants to make a career in it. We provide world class sports facilities and faculties. We also incourage them to participate on various compititions on district, state and national level. We also need your support to help children find their own interest in sports.
Encourage Them To Participate In
Co-Carricular Activities
Co-Carricular activities plays very important role in a child's development. While a child participate in co-carricular activities with classmates in front of someone he impoves his concentration, confidence, intellect to perform and many more. Co-carricular activities also discoveres their hidden talent from which partents, teachers as well as child himself is unaware of.
We provide grounds for various sports activities for improving various moral as well as physical qualities in children. On various times we organize activities for self confidence, eco-friendliness, self-protection, improving reading, writing and speaking habits, art & cultural activities, dance, music etc.