Welcome To Suraj School, Kosli (6th - 8th Class )
Dear Parents,
"Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference "
Suraj prides itself on being a caring community of learners that fosters pride in developing students ability while promoting students to be thinkers.we build the essence of community each day in classrooms by teaching them to act responsibly, take responsibility and treat each other with respect..
Our goal is not only to promote literacy but more importantly to inspire our students to read and write as communicators.

I urge the parents fraternity to take an active part in what your child is required to do at home and to support their kids. The road to a successful adulthood starts early. We strive every day to make sure that while the path may not be easy as times, What is learned at Suraj will inspire students to do the best....
I would like to end with the words – “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations"
We invite your child to be a part of world-class education, we welcome you at the SURAJ SCHOOL!
Mr. Pawan Sharma
6th - 8th Co-ordinator
Suraj School, Kosli


