Welcome To Suraj School, Kosli (Play School - 2nd Class )
Dear Parents,
School education is the basic right of every child and good school education is a must for a better society and a better world.
Suraj School is a school of tomorrow. As said,"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." We are inculcating the values, the skills,the attitude and the expertise that will be required by them for a prosperous life.We firmly believe that everyone has the potential but what really matters is how one utilizes that potential.
We provide such an environment that develops a positive attitude in our students that helps them to see the invisible,feel the tangible and achieve the impossible.
Suraj School offers children a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment to discover the joys of learning .Our primary goal is to help your child develop social skills and a solid academic foundation, to prepare them for future successes.
A team of all-women teachers and staff ensures that children have a mother figure around and experience the snugness and security felt at home.
Suraj school reflects the openhearted and imaginative way with which young children see the world.
There is plenty of playing, singing and craft-making in,but it is balanced with writing, reading and maths lessons. A rich tradition of oral language and classic stories provide the backdrop for the child's first exploration into the world of literacy.

Students are immersed in a language- rich environment as they listen to stories, recite poetry and learn new songs. Math skills are fostered through working with patterns, grouping and sorting. Students are involved in a variety of learning opportunities such as nature walks, painting, games and movement activities.Thus, a healthy, nurturing rhythm of learning is established.
We invite your child to be a part of world-class education, we welcome you at the SURAJ SCHOOL!
Mrs. Sangeeta
Nur-II Co-ordinator
Suraj School, Kosli


