Welcome To Suraj School, Kosli (3rd Class - 5th Class )
Dear Parents,
Parents and teachers as partners in children’s learning
The early years of a child’s life are the most important – a time of rapid development! physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
Our hearts bloom to see the toddlers join the primary education after completing their kindergarten education. This is one of the important stage where the child grows with talents, virtues and knowledge in various areas.
Through assemblies we bring out the talents of each child. In sports side also the children of fourth and fifth class students were selected and given practice, in football, volleyball, basketball etc.,

Thus before going to middle school they are well prepared to extend their talents independently.
Being the co-ordinator, I thank the almighty for giving a good team of teachers with whose co-operation we were able to mould the children to a successful student for the next level.
We invite your child to be a part of world-class education, we welcome you at the SURAJ SCHOOL!
Mrs.Sudesh Yadav
3rd - 5th coordinator


